It’s Not Christmas Anymore and that Means I Slept in

And didn’t write a blog post for this morning because, well, yesterday was Christmas, and there are some serious limitations on my preparedness relating to holidays.

As a side note, present forts are both the most amazing and most depressing form of forts. On the plus side, they’re colorful forts MADE OF PRESENTS. But the truth is, they’re also forts destined to fall, because, well, they’re made of presents and I have exactly zero patience when it comes to waiting to unwrap things.

So, since I have nothing else interesting to say today, here is a picture of creepy children in a live swan:


I was going to use this to make you all a Bathtub Party Day* invite, but then I found out Bathtub Party Day is totally a copyrighted holiday.
Click for source.

*This is a real holiday. It is on December 5. You are welcome.

I’ll be back to normal blogging tomorrow, just in time for the week to end.

3 thoughts on “It’s Not Christmas Anymore and that Means I Slept in

  1. Pingback: Yesterday, I Told an Untruth | Perpetual Plot Hole

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